Educational Opportunities

In the Integrative Neuromuscular Physiology Laboratory, trainees will master numerous techniques (e.g., static and dynamic muscle testing, surface and intramuscular electromyography, transcranial magnetic stimulation, corticospinal tract stimulation, peripheral nerve stimulation) to allow a comprehensive assessment of the integrity, performance and adaptability of the nervous and muscular systems. Further, the collaborative approach at UBC-O and the inclusion of the lab within the Centre for Heart, Lung & Vascular Health (, provides trainees with access to a broad spectrum of scientists working on various fundamental and clinical aspects of human physiology.


There are currently openings to pursue either an MSc degree in Health and Exercise Sciences or a PhD degree in Kinesiology ( To be eligible for admission in September, the College of Graduate Studies (CoGS) must have a complete application package by January 31. This includes an official copy of all transcripts (mailed directly to COGS from all post-secondary institutions) and two letters of reference (completed online). Admission is also possible in January (deadline of June 1) and, for doctoral students, in May (deadline of October 1).

Interested students should contact me directly ( Please include in your email, a brief description of your current research interests, short- and long-term career goals, a resume/CV, and an unofficial transcript.


Human Kinetics students interested in completing a 4th year research elective (HES 490) in the winter term of the 2024-2025 academic year should contact me ( as soon as possible to discuss potential opportunities and projects.

Undergraduate students who wish to volunteer as a research assistant can contact me ( to discuss what opportunities are available.


Interested postdoctoral fellows should contact me ( to discuss potential opportunities and funding. Please include in your email, a description of your current research interests (specifically, how your interests align with mine) and a CV.